Yesterday I gave Vito a few ice for a sensorial play. I’ve always wanted to see how he would react once he touched the ice.
I placed the ice on the tray and he was a little bit hesitant at first but quite excited. So he’s trying to use his pointer finger to test the material.
I love looking at those little hands working and trying to figure out the ice cubes. Pardon those red cheeks. I was feeding him with bolognese at that time.
When he was sure that the ice wouldn’t hurt , he starts to pick them up. But he failed in the beginning as the ice were very slippery.
And finally, with determination and focus, he was able to lift up a cube with both hands and mouthed it.
Oh yes, it is cold!!
Note: Always supervise your baby when doing this activity. Be careful as the ice are slippery and if they mouth it, there’s a tendency that they will swallow it and choke.
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