

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Montessori Multiplication Board

Multiplication FB

Spring break has given us enough time to work on our multiplication.  After my introduction using counters, we worked on the Montessori multiplication bead board next. 

To know more about this materials and how to use it, here are some resources I collected for you:

For our work, I made multiplication strips for Mavi to work on.  This is similar to the one mentioned in my resources except that I edited the fonts to fit my paper size.


I followed the presentation based on the Info Montessori and demonstrated it on Mavi.  When its his time to work,  Mavi chose to work the table of 6.  He says its his favourite number because that’s how old he is.

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For the work strips, I printed them out and glue them on a yellow cardstock.  Mavi loved how beautiful they turned out.  DSC_0655As an extension, I also showed Mavi how the table of 6 works when laid out using the decanomial beads.   The laying out of beads was a hit! Mavi was hooked.  Too bad though, we didn’t get to finish the work because Vito was already awake and wants attention.  (PS. We don’t do bead works whenever Vito’s around. He still mouths objects)   

Making Montessori Ours has this amazing printable Multiplication Materials Package made out for you. I suggest you check her out as well!

Don’t forget to pin this for later! You don’t want to miss this! Multiplication Bead Board

And that’s about it! How wonderful this method of learning is! So hands-on and visual!  We will work on the rest of the multiplication table both in bead board and decanomial beads one at a time. Anyway, this is just to expose Mavi to multiplication.  Once we’re done with all the tables, we’ll start division and it’s going to be even more exciting!

Want to see what other’s are doing?  Check out my Pinterest board for other Math ideas!

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