We've started our letter sound of the week activities a few weeks ago. Vito is 18 months and based on my observation, he is ready to learn letter sounds as he started to say a few words and can mimic letter sounds as I say it to him.
This letter of the week curriculum is basically not new. There are a lot of variations out there on teaching one letter a week. However, I have come up with my own activities and method of implementing it. I have used this curriculum with Mavi and it has worked for us so I am using it again with Vito. The order of the letter sound that I am going to introduce to Vito by default is from a to z (with emphasis on the small letter) but of course it may change as we progress depending on his needs, interest and availability of materials.
For those who are new to this, the basic idea is to focus on only one letter sound at a time (a week or more). Instead of having a specific theme that corresponds to a letter sound, we will try to use all the objects in our Letter Sound Basket in our activities to add variety. I also added tray works that introduce basic concepts like colours, shapes and numbers.
Okay some of you might ask me how we do this? Well on a daily basis here’s our schedule we work most of these in the morning, after reading books. One to two activities a day for about 15 minutes in the morning and if he’s into it in the afternoon, then we do another one. Afternoon activities are sometimes skipped, as he prefers playing with big brother. What is mostly achieved in the afternoon is reading books as we do it all together, while cuddling in bed.
*** I added links to all the materials we are using here so you will have an idea where to get it. They are affiliate links, no extra cost on you if you decide to purchase them. ***
Letter ‘a’ craft. I made a small letter a on a piece of cardstock and have Vito stamp it with Do-a-Dot markers. Once dry, I cut it out and form it into an apple. I pinned this in our learning wall. By the way, these markers are really really good! We’ve used them in so many ways and they were still Mavi’s! Can you believe that?? It lasted for so many years without drying!
Note: Vito enjoyed this activity so much. He can stamp more letter a’s than I could have imagine LOLApple 1:1 correspondence. Using the IKEA Ice Tray and Learning Resource Fruit Counters, this 1:1 correspondence teaches little ones basic math concept. I count as Vito places a green apple in the moulder.
Note: This is one activity that stayed in the shelf for two weeks. Vito loves putting the apples into the moulder and putting them back again in the container. Sometimes he would spill them and put them back again. We do this activity almost every day to introduce counting.
Alligator peg board. Because alligator have sharp teeth, we use this FantaColor peg board to practice fine motor skills and hand/eye coordination. Can Vito really insert the pegs in the hole? Well it is a hit or miss! And that’s what’s good about it, he keeps on trying :D Our version is the portable one that comes with a bag and with different peg sizes. I chose this so both Vito and Mavi can use it.
Note: As mentioned, this activity is a hit or miss. There were times he loves doing this because he can easily pin the pegs… but he gets impatient and lose interest when he can’t pin them in the hole.
Circle shape sorter. The shape for this week is circle, since it is the closest shape to an apple. We used our Playskool Shape Sorter (this was Mavi’s) and we only use the circle shape. As I mentioned previously, one at a time. So here, just the circle shape so he can easily identify which hole and will not be overwhelmed.
Note: This technique has worked with Mavi and it worked with Vito as well.
Gluing circles. I’m hitting three birds in one stone here, sensorial activity while learning the circle and red colour. We did this a couple of times, first using liquid glue and the other glue stick. He doesn’t like both LOL But he loves putting the cut-out circle shapes in the big circle.
Note: While doing this activity, I would say “this is a circle”, “let’s stick the red circles in the big circle”. Mention the key words like “circle”, “red”, “stick” or “glue”. As mentioned, Vito doesn’t like the feel of blue or something sticky. But that’s okay, Mavi was like that too. It’s part of learning right?
Eating apples. Of course, snacks include apples!
Note: What could say? He loves eating!
Green and red colour. I’ve been introducing colours since Vito turned 1, and even though we still work on our red basket, I still include colour sorting in our weekly activities so he can differentiate the two colours. Here I used craft pompoms to be sorted out. He doesn’t sort, I do most of it. I’ll try first, showing what to do and let him try a few.
Note: Again, hit or miss here. There were times he’s doing it right, and sometimes he randomly puts them anywhere. He loves our green and red apples the best though :D
Ambulance prints. Vito loves paints and we do painting as much as possible. We are using Giotto Bebe fingerpaints, which I totally love because it doesn’t have a smell! And I love how creamy the paints are.
Note: Another favourite in the house! He can do this for around 30 minutes uninterrupted. But be sure to keep an eye on the kids. Even if the paints used is non-toxic and washable, these still are not edible!
Recommended books that will go along with it:
How to make an apple pie and travel the world.
Now, see them all in action!
Don’t forget to pin this for later!